Dates and Whitterings
Dates and Whitterings
All events are listed on our Events page, with more details. The latest 'Whitley Whitterings' is available here.
AUTUMN TERM Starts 18th/19th September
AGM Wednesday 2nd October
HALF TERM 30th/31st October
Carol choir practice Sunday 10th November 2p.m - 4p.m
Social evening FRIDAY 15th November
Lantern Making SUNDAY 17th November 2 - 4pm at Cross Keys hall
Carol Choir practice Thursday 21st November 7p.m - 9p.m
Parkinson's Carols & tea Monday 2nd December 3p.m - 4:30p.m
Carol Choir Sat 7th Dec 2p.m - 2:30p.m at N. Shields Christmas market CANCELLED DUE TO BAD WEATHER
End of term sing for all Wednesday 11th December from 7:30p.m to 9p.m.
Last session of term Thursday 12th December 10:30 - 12:00
Carol choir Wednesday 18th December 5p.m - 8p.m in Care Home car parks
Carol choir Saturday 21st December 12:00 - 2p.m at Seaton Delaval Hall
Lantern procession and carols Monday 23rd December 6p.m - 7p.m.
SPRING TERM Starts 15th/16th January
HALF TERM 26th/27th February
LAST WEEK 9th/10th April
SPRING CONCERT Friday 11th April
SUMMER TERM Starts 29th/30th April
Residential 9th - 11th May
Venue: St Andrew's Church, Eastfield Avenue, Monkseaton (there is a map on our Locations page.
Sessions will be 7p.m. - 9p.m. on WEDNESDAYS
and 10:30a.m. - 12:30p.m on THURSDAYS.
Check Events for locations of other sessions/performances.
See Locations page for Google maps of all venues